
Vörunúmer: C2 0.5

C2 Liquid Crystal V3, 500ml

Hrindir frá vatni og óhreinindum
Einfalt í notkun
Endist í 4-6 mánuði

Verð: 5.290 kr.
Product info

C2 er skotheld leið til að halda bílnum, húsbílnum eða jafnvel bátnum hreinum til lengri tíma.

C2 Er eitt af okkar mest seldu efnum enda er það einstaklega auðvelt í notkun og gefur alveg ótrúlega áhrifarík vörn gegn UV geislum og óhreinindum.

C2 Liquid Crystal is the revolutionary way to make your car, boat, plane or RV shine and stay clean longer, thanks to Gtechniq’s unique 3S Smart Surface Science.
With C2 Liquid Crystal you get instant, effective protection from UV and dirt without the expense of dealer applied systems.
Fast and easy to use, C2 is based on the same smart surface technology as its big brother, C1 Crystal Lacquer which is the performance coating of choice amongst industry professionals and OEMs.